By Jeremy Epstein, CMO, RDX Works
There’s a journey that each of us has taken to get here and though our paths along that journey are very different, the destination is the same.
I like to call it a “Radix Revelation.”
By way of background, I’ve been fully committed to the crypto space since mid-2016. During that time, I’ve had the honor and privilege to work on some of the leading projects and companies in the Web3 revolution, such as Zcash, Arweave, Dapper Labs, Open Bazaar, and Nexus Mutual (here’s my full profile on LinkedIn / Twitter). I’ve also had the opportunity to lead 5 trips of crypto-enthusiasts to “Crypto Valley” in Switzerland, write 3 books on crypto+marketing, deliver more than 50 keynote addresses, and brief senior US government officials on the technology. I tell you all this not to flex (ok, maybe a little bit), but to tell you why I have joined the RDX Works team as CMO.
It’s simple, actually. DeFi must work at scale.
The downsides of continuing along a path of centralized financial services and all of its attendant ills and consequences are too great. I have 3 kids. I need them to live in a DeFi-first world. (For now, I can live with their eye rolls when I talk about crypto, though).
And, here’s the fact that I’ve discovered in my travels through the crypto-sphere:
There is simply NO OTHER community that is thinking as big about the DeFi opportunity as Radix, nor as broad about the solution as Radix.
Radix is the current, best hope for making DeFi@scale a reality because only Radix started with the question of “How do you decentralize a $400 trillion global financial economy?” and worked backwards from there. Now, I could go on for days about all of the elements that prove this point, but if you are reading this, you already know.
Which brings me to what we are going to do about it so that, two years from now (if not sooner), everyone in crypto (and in TradFi!) experiences the same “Radix Revelation.”
Now, I will play a bit of the “new guy” card since I’ve been in the role for all of 3 weeks, but if I could narrow it down to one word, it’s this:
We are going to empower any developer who sees the $400 trillion+ opportunity that is Decentralized Finance.
We believe that Scrypto is already the simplest way to build a DeFi dApp…and we are not even at Babylon yet. That is why we are going to make building on Radix the most empowering developer experience in Web3. We are going to help devs understand the benefits and potential of thinking with an “Asset-Oriented” mindset, instead of a “message-oriented” mindset that today’s other smart contract platforms offer.
But, we can’t stop there.
We are also going to empower the entire Radix community. You need more “ammo” to effectively explain WHY Radix is so uniquely powerful and HOW we are going to build the most powerful Layer 1 for DeFi.
As to the “what” of all of this, it is still being worked out, but we are not sitting still.
We have already built out our Event Plan and Content Plan for the year. In addition, we have just hired a Senior Performance Marketing Manager to optimize the way we deliver paid media so we get more awareness of our developer landing page . We are in the midst of a rebranding process to add a layer of sophistication and polish to make Radix look as impressive as our full stack of DeFi actually is. We have hired two community liaisons (with another on the way) to provide better support to our large, growing, and global audience. We are also improving our alignment with the Radix Community Marketing Council, so they can drive the outcomes they feel are most important.
As for me, in addition to building a world-class team, articulating the objectives, goals, and strategy for RDX Works, I am personally going to attend monthly “Wen Marketing?” calls with each region so I have an opportunity to hear directly from our community about how they are viewing the market and the opportunities they see.
The reason we are doing all of this is that we must
- grow the awareness of Radix, both in and out of the crypto world
- raise the perception of Radix to be on par, if not surpass, our competition as the most likely place for the future L1 home of DeFi
- conclusively demonstrate “Proof of Builders,” the solid evidence that devs (outside of the core team) are contributing to GitHub and developing Scrypto competencies
When we do that, others will have no choice but to pay attention, get curious, and then begin along the path (from which we intend to remove as much friction as possible) to their own “Radix Revelation.”
In future communications, I’ll get much more specific about some of the concrete outcomes we are targeting for the future, so we can all hold ourselves accountable towards bringing about a global “Radix Revelation.” [That’s a marketing-esque way of saying “you get to hold my feet to the fire any time you want.”]
In the meantime, if you do have ideas for how we can better tell our story and differentiate Radix from the pack, please let me know and/join our #Marketing channel on Discord.