It’s been great to get so many questions from the community about the marketing plan for Q2, 2022 (and beyond). It is my hope that, by providing increasing clarity about the direction of the marketing team at RDX Works, we can improve the amount of support and assistance in our efforts from the community to achieve these desired outcomes.
For those of you who have attended our Wen Marketing calls over the past month (here’s the schedule of upcoming events), you’ve become familiar with something like the following:

Each of these moments has Key Results that are associated with them for the entire RDX Works team. And each of them forms the key stepping stone to the subsequent objective, all with the eye on achieving the global Radix Revelation and then, the Radix Revolution.
First, a Word on OKRs
We use the Objectives and Key Results methodology for one primary reason - it works. But, it only works over time and with a LOT of practice -and learning from failure- along the way.
Disclaimer: If you look at the Key Results that I’ve listed below, and will reference in the future, as hard and fast metrics that are binary indicators of the marketing team’s success or failure, you’re doing yourself and all of us a huge disservice.
The OKR methodology is designed to give its practitioners a “north star,” helping us focus on what is most important for the organization. It is also designed to help us “stretch” so that we create a culture of innovation. By building these innovation muscles, we will, over time, continuously improve the level of outcomes we deliver.
OKRs are not all sunshine and rainbows. They come with some risks.
As a team, we are putting ourselves out there, creating a culture of accountability and transparency, but also, hopefully, one of collaboration. However, we believe it is worth it. By sharing what we are trying to accomplish, it is our hope that everyone in the community will work together with us to achieve them, while also recognizing and helping us maintain our focus.
You may not agree with all of our OKRs and it is certainly possible that we have made a mistake in selecting some of them, but that is part of the point of OKRs, to learn by doing and to focus on outcomes. We will adjust over time, but one thing is certain…we will never waiver from the outcomes of the Radix Revelation and the Radix Revolution.
Now, on with it.
Q2, 2022 Objective
The objective of our Q2, 2022 marketing efforts may be summarized as Start Your (Marketing) Engines.
As you know, during the course of Q1, we invested heavily in
- bringing on new talent
(growing the team from 3 to 10) - improving our processes
(introduction of the OKR methodology) - improving our operational effectiveness
(ongoing migration of our project management templates to ClickUp and Confluence) - ramping up our activities across content, community, and events
(as highlighted in our Radix Reports, weekly Wen Marketing calls, and monthly Marketing Wen-sday summaries)
In Q2, we will seek to develop a cohesive, integrated marketing engine with the goal of predictably and repeatedly driving the desired outcomes.
The way we will measure our success as a marketing team in Q2 will be against the following four key results.
Key Results
- Grow the number of wallets with more than 2000 XRD from 7500 to 10,000
- Drive 1500 unique Scrypto repo clones (up from 600 in Q1)
- Grow monthly website visits to 150,000 (from 50k)
So, what are we going to do to make this happen?
We will refer to the Q2 strategy as “Engines of Change.”
We are going to leverage our unique strength as the inventor of the world’s first DeFi Engine as the catalyst for the Financial Revolution to help explain our differentiation to both existing DeFi developers familiar with Solidity and other approaches as well as those new to DeFi.
Ok, great. Exactly what are we going to do?
- We are going to build out a number of content assets that explain the power and impact of the Radix Engine, created in a way to educate both developer and non-developer audiences. This will include a regular cadence of blog posts, infographics, gifs, animations, videos, etc.
- We are going to build a Radix “core story” presentation that can serve both RDX Works execs and enable the hosts of our global meet-ups to effectively and convincingly articulate:
- why DeFi matters
- the problems with DeFi today and how Radix aims to fix it.
- more advanced technical details as to how it works specifically, as well as within the context of the Radix full-stack.
- the Radix tokenomics and the experience/make-up of the RDX Works team.
- We aim to publish 5-20 “engine-themed memes” per week that highlight the significance of the Radix Engine, the invention of the DeFi engine, and how it stands in stark contrast to every other L1 as well as offering a path to developer liberation/freedom.
- We will establish a library of developer quotes about the benefits of the Radix Engine and Scrypto to establish social proof and build our credibility as a better, faster, safer, alternative to EVM-based approaches to DeFi.
- We will promote our content via paid channels such as Twitter, Brave, Reddit, as well as other exploratory outlets.
- We will share content on social and community channels (e.g. Telegram, Twitter, Discord).
- We will explore ways to highlight our content on TikTok and build audiences on Reddit.
- We will continue our paid marketing efforts to drive awareness of Radix among DeFi developer audiences as well as potential DeFi developer audiences.
- We will programmatically educate and engage with crypto-focused and developer-focused influencers to help them understand and then evangelize the radical innovation that is the DeFi engine.
- We will have a sponsored presence at 10-15 in-person events, including Consensus.
- We will execute a one-day “takeover” of the Brave home page.
We are also going to
- work closely with the Product team to amplify the Q2 launch of the Babylon Public Test Environment as the first opportunity for developers to experience the power of the Radix Engine in a “live” environment
- increase the number of people in our Radvocate program from 10 to 50
- explore ways to cost-effectively build out our PR efforts
- explore ways to identify keynote presentations opportunities for C-level executives within RDX Works
- reopen the merch store
- continue to invest in our cross-team and cross-functional operational effectiveness through process improvement
- look for ways to opportunistically and programmatically engage and leverage relationships with high-profile Radvocates, such as Lawrence Okolie and Red Foo
- continue to seek ways to better align with the community marketing council
- roll out a real Messaging Platform (incl. category definition, market positioning, tagline) to drive consistency in how we talk about Radix
- begin the development of an inspirational, “Story of Radix” video that emotionally connects with our community around our shared beliefs, vision, and mission, with a mid-Q3 target launch date
- continue working on improving the visual representation of the brands within the Radix ecosystem so we have a clear, unified, but unique and differentiated appearance by the time we get to Babylon Begins in Q4
- have fun while we do all of this
Next Steps and How You Can Help
As you can see, there’s a LOT to do here and we have deliberately set some pretty aggressive goals.
The challenge for us, as with any team, is to stay focused on our outcomes and tasks along the way, but at least you have context now for why we may make the choices we make over the course of the quarter.
Even beyond that, we’d love your help in ideating on ways we can achieve these ambitious outcomes. If you have suggestions or if you’d like to help in achieving them, now is your chance.